Friday, February 1, 2008

First Charity Work.*Tak Halal*

On the 26th i think,Interact Club of anderson had a trip to Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Cacat.
Well i went,the first thing we did when we went there were lazing around.Later this dude came up to me and asked us to carry roasted porks on trays.WOW!The pork was intimidating man.It stank and well great we had it all over our shirts including the porky smell.Haha.Not complaining.Its kinda a new experience for me.

Later we 'bungkus Kacang' till 11 something and then Dharmen and I got shoved off to the prok selling stall.Suprisingly,it was the most 'laku' stall and smelly(obviously).We were like advertising fresh,FAT,oily pork meat by the dozens.Hehe.D-man was like 'babi besar dan gemuk.Oh,sedap'It was so freaking hilarious.

At the end of the day, me and my dudes went off feeling tired and smelling like 10 years of unwashed meat.Hehe.

PS-My point is,if u ever had little or even no respect for people who have lower ranks than you,i would advise you to take a look at their life.See how they go through their everyday routine and maybe even try it out.Then you'll finally get an inkling of how's it like.

Thank you.byebye.=)

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Metal,Emo,Punk,Straight Edge.=P